Recovery, Logistics & Storage
Although we are first and foremost Appraisers and Equipment Sellers we clearly understand the importance of carefully recovering and providing safe secure storage of your assets.
We have facilities in New York, Texas and California with power necessary to display your equipment. We currently store items ranging from construction equipment, , printing, textile, machine tools, Imaging ,Medical and Dental. . Each stored item is photographed, inventoried and appears on our monthly status report.
In the recovery of an item, we rely, as you should, upon the technical expertise of our industry staffers. After all the process to recover a 500 sq. ft. textile machine weighing 35 tons is, and must be, quite different than recovery of 100 PCs out of an office environment. Our dismantlers, riggers and movers are industry specific and properly insured. It is only in this fashion that you can have the necessary confidence and assurance that your assets are literally in good hands and ready for resale.
We don’t see the need in profiting from our assistance to our clients in the recovery and storage process. Our direct costs are your costs without add on or administrative fees.
Please contact us to find how attractive our prices are and how helpful we can be to our clients.
After all, we are Appraisers and Remarketers first and foremost and perceive those activities as our income base.